Sports betting is up there with poker and roulette in terms of popularity. For sports aficionados, sports betting is a place to test their knowledge and make some money in the process. However, sometimes budding bettors can focus too much on the ‘sports’ and ignore the ‘betting.’ Knowledge of a sport alone isn’t enough to be good at sports betting. Here are some FAQs to get you started on the basics of sports betting.
Where Do I Find the Best Sports-book?
There’s no single best Sports-book since what’s best is, in large part, contextual. For instance, the best Sports-book for you will differ based on your currency, where you live, your preferred sport, etc. Despite that, there are still some criteria you should keep in mind. We’ve explained these criteria in more detail on our website, but some of the most important ones are language, safety, payment methods, and the odds. Instead of looking for a single, king-of-all-trades Sports-book, look for a handful of reliable and lucrative sports-books.

How Do I Deposit Money with a Bookmaker?
If you live in the US, get ready for herculean labor. Most bookmakers don’t accept PayPal, and most credit card companies will outright reject gambling transactions as a matter of principles. Despite the apparent hurdles, your best bet (pun intended) is still to use your credit card to pay. This won’t work all the time, but you can improve your odds by making odd-number transactions. Instead of depositing $500, try depositing $503.
Which Sports Should I Bet On?
The general rule of thumb when it comes to sports betting is to distance yourself emotionally as much as possible. If you’re a fervent supporter of some team, stay away from it. The more emotionally involved you are, the greater your odds of making fallacies while betting and losing money.
For instance, you may miss signs that your favorite team won’t perform well in an upcoming match and make a bad bet. You may also be disposed to betting on your team winning.
Instead, opt for a sport that you enjoy watching and understand. You may have a favorite team in said sport, so you should avoid their matches. Other than that, feel free to base your bets on your knowledge about the game.
If you’re looking to open an online betting account on the best online sports-books on the internet, visit us at Bets Hall. We have guides to help you bet with ten of the best sports-books available, such as Bet365.